Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Something Spring-like this way comes


Spring is in the air! Can you feel it Vancouver, can ya? Personally, I'm still feeling a bit of winter skepticism, thinking, "oh it'll rain tomorrow, or this weekend... forever." But I'm starting to see the light. A full day of sunshine always helps brush the cobwebs off my sneakers and puts a smile to match the sunshine on my face. I think new years resolutions are made a bit hasty. Far and few of us really get out there and diet/workout/run/etc etc in the rain or snow. Let's be realistic. Once the sun comes out, no more excuses. If, according to the weather gods, this is supposed to stick around for a little while, I hope you all can make it out there to enjoy it!
Can't wait for the cherry blossoms to come out!

In honour of the approaching primavera, do you have any springtime rituals or tasks? Other than the typical spring cleaning (which I cannot WAIT to do!), what means "spring is here" for you? I'm looking forward to hiking weather, and the beginning of fruit season and farmer's markets. Granville Island is awesome this time of year, and it's also the start of arts and music festivals! 
Soak it up Vancouverites, the groundhog's prophecy of 6 more weeks of winter is nearly over! 

images: weheartit

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