Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Waiting Game

So I'm sitting overlooking the morning traffic of people milling around City Square, waiting for my new glasses to be ready (!), and I started wondering, where's the sunshine Vancouver?? Okay maybe it wasn't a direct train of thought but somehow after coming inside, sniffling and my hair sufficiently humidity ruined, I really wished it was summer. Despite the fact that my birthday is smack in the middle, summer happens to be one of my favourite seasons. I say one because there are times when I could live every day in a Vancity autumn. The trees, the colours, the comfort food! I digress.
Back to summer. One of my favourite things to do is pack up my selection of beads, hemp and girlfriends and trek down to Wreck Beach. (No, we don't go fully nude). The atmosphere is far more tranquil and beach-like there, rather than enduring the surplus of body oil and trance-blasting-muscle-morons at Kits. If only there were starbucks/sushi/gelato at Wreck too, then I might never leave!
Another favourite summer haunt of mine is my top deck. When the vines are in full foliage, they create a secluded oasis perfect for tanning or curling up in our hammock with a good book.
Sigh, can't wait for summer!
Fellow Vancouverites, what are your favourite things to do when we finally get some warm weather?
And Global amigos, I'd love to hear what's great to do in the summer months in your home towns!
Happy summer lusting everyone!


  1. I really adored just sitting out on my patio and enjoying the sun with a book or something. I haven't been to Wreck Beach yet, but I should make a point of it this summer.

    Or hanging out at the park with my dogs and a camera.

    Also! High five for summer bithdays. :D


  2. I hear you! I am anxiously waiting sunshine and warm weather and the opportunity to bust out my flip-flops!! I love Wreck Beach too (for the tranquility, not the nudity) and the seawall and day trips over to Bowen Island. Oh summer, where are you???
