{Insert inspirational quote here}
Call me crazy, but if we all fed into our own egos once in a while and only lived up to our own expectations, we might realize it doesn't have to be so lonely at the top, if you're surrounded by equally outstanding people.
It doesn't mean squat if you keep hearing what a great person you are, unless you believe it. I'm not going to drone on, and this is mainly to reiterate what I've been preaching in my own head. But if it's in writing it's a lot harder to ignore. So aside from all of you, here are some things that are absolutely awesome.
Don't ignore your instincts; it's what keeps us a little animal. And trust your gut.
Live a little. Nobody ever died from self indulgence once in a while. And I don't mean any extremes, don't be a wisenheimer. I mean that gingerbread latte once in a while. Or casual coital romps. Or prank phone calls. Or wearing sweatpants all weekend. Whatever it is, it's ok.
Do one thing a day that if the world ended tomorrow, you'd regret not having done it, more than if it blows up in your face today. Think small, and big things will happen.
Don't strive to be anything but the hottest version of yourself. Be vain if it pushes you to try harder. Be selfish if that means taking better care of your body. Be obnoxious if it's standing up for what you believe in. Be inspired.
It's not easy to try to be better than what we think we can be. And I'm not speaking from someone who has risen above my insecurities, or overcome obstacles to become the gem of a person I want to be. Because I'm still experiencing the journey that will get me there. I'm only speaking from somewhere that I know everyone has inside their heads too,
all you have to do is listen.
And tell the rest of it to shut up.
Hope you all had a great weekend. And if not, there's only 5 more sleeps to try again.
images: weheartit.com
video: youtube.com
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