Monday, April 25, 2011

Hakuna Matata

Zoinks! I apologize for missing this entire weekend! You can blame the boyfriend for that one, we were busy munching on lots of chocolate and playing Animal Crossing on our Wii (which I am not ashamed to say I am officially addicted to). Had an awesome Easter, decorated eggs today, had pancakes for dinner, and had an eventful day at the Woodgrove mall in Nanaimo; thank you photo booths and Lush! All in all, a much needed weekend of R&R with the boy before I leave this Thursday (!!!). Still freaking out ladies and lads, I had a panic attack last week and woke up at 6am in a fit of over-organizing...I'm feeling like a little fish in a very big, global pond. This is my first trip flying solo, and I think I'm going to freak out a little more before take-off. I'm not sure what's worse, my fears of recirculated air in the plane and blood clots from prolonged sitting? Or the fear of getting lost in a european airport? Haven't decided that yet.


I'm very excited to be exploring Italy again, and I haven't lost sight of my love of the history and the beauty of italian food and culture that made me fall in love last time. I think I just need a good mantra, (maybe in italian?) to keep a positive perspective. One of my favourite de-stressing songs is Bob Marley's Three Little Birds. I translated a couple lines from it to italian just to hear the sound, and I think it might be my mental peacekeeper for this trip. Non preoccuparti di niente, ogni piccola cosa andrĂ  bene (don't worry about a thing, every little thing is going to be alright). I just need to stay focused, and excited about seeing all my favourite italian piazzas, gelaterias, and Roman ruins, and remember to make a pharmacy my first stop for gluten-free shopping!

If you're feeling stressed about a test, a trip, a fight, or the fact that a stain on your jeans still won't come out, just remember mes amies...

Non preoccuparti di niente, ogni piccola cosa andrĂ  bene 


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