Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's up weekend?

Sometimes, when I get the urge to write, nothing worthwhile comes out. I 'd love to be able to ramble on about my theories on current events, or my favourite trends for spring (hello 70s retro!), but sometimes words fail me. I wish my photography skills were a little more refined so I could attempt to make a pretty photo blog. Or know how to make scrapbook montages of weekend favs or outfits. Sadly, my dear readers, you will have to suffice (for now) with my daily musings and ramblings that are not necessarily always about the same thing.
Today, i got a much needed manicure (thanks mom!), and had an always uplifting trip to the vet for my little Cinni's annual vaccines. Successful Saturday I'd say. I'm keen to turn my semester around in these last 4 weeks, starting tomorrow. Today just doesn't seem right....My mom's convinced that reading this book on procrastination and the brain will somehow make me do it less? Apparently people are biologically wired to procrastinate. Seems like a justified excuse to me. So if you ever catch yourself cruising blogs or window shopping online, just remember, it's in your genes, and you can't fight with science!

Oh and my brother discovered an amazing snack that I made wheat free: waffles with, wait for it, crunchy peanut butter, nutella, and strawberry jam. Put that in your mouth and tell me it's not the tastiest thing you've had all week. You're welcome, readers' stomachs.

What's on your plate this weekend? Anyone busting out the BBQ yet??
 I'm dying for something hot off the grill (hint hint at my boyfriend, BBQ oysters next weekend??)
Until then, maybe I'll have to make a trip to Memphis Blues BBQ? 

Have a great weekend everyone!
P.s remember it's daylight savings tonight! Spring is almost here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, you totally made me laugh out loud! Thank goodness procrastination is in our I don't have to feel so guilty! Haha!! Your snack sounds delicious, feel free to send some my way!! : )
