My motivation is finding passion. La Passion is something I take in very high regard. I believe if you find your passion, your love of life, of self and maybe of someone else too, you can do no wrong.
We live in a Romanticesque world. We are not beings driven by our intellect, we lead with our hearts.
What the heart wants can never be wrong. (I know it's easy to go into a debate on that, but it's entirely personal and anything loved with good intentions cannot be wrong. Better?)
My passion is yet unrealized. I can feel it, like when your foot falls asleep and you have to hobble around because it hurts? Well, it's kind of like that. For now. I think once you find what you're truly passionate about, the tingle will disappear but remain a memory of feeling. You'll be realized.
Love? Sex? Money? Fashion? Animal Rights? Politics?
Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. Georg Wilhelm
I love that quote- it's very true.