Cruising The Superficial for half an hour. Okay an hour and a half..
Listening to Ke$ha. Yup Tik Tok is in my rotation and sometimes I just like to wake up feeling glittery and a little bit of a hot mess..
Baking a double batch of cookies just so you can freeze some of the dough to snack on later.
Making To-Do lists of stuff you already know you're going to do right away, just to get the satisfaction of crossing them off.
Feeling productive by watching 5 back to back episodes of Sex and the City.
Always eating the foam off your latte. Even in public.
Pigging out on veggies. Okay so it's not a totally guilty pleasure, but feeling full and healthy is always good.
Watching junk TV. The Biggest Loser, Hoarders, My Strange Addiction...TLC in general.
Anybody got some good ones you feel like sharing??
The superficial, to-do lists, SATC, and Biggest Loser/Hoarders, all also on my list (although Hoarders is A&E, so slightly more legit than TLC).